Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Gift for the FNSC!

     This deserved it's own post, because at our Greenland New Year's meal we finally got a chance to open a gift that supper clubber Vicki sent to the group. Unfortunately, she lives in stupid far away Dallas and can't convene with us as often as we would like her to in Denton, where most of our club meetings are held. Anyways, the gift bag it was in said, "Best Gift Ever" and it lived up to that promise! She made us a custom recipe box for us to record our recipes!! She covered it in duct tape, because duct tape means love guys- learn it, live it, love it.  It had sections titled, "Shit to Try", "Shit We ate",  "Shit we liked" and "New shit to write down". It also housed a tiny pig standing on a tiny book sitting on a tiny chair- squeee! THANK YOU VICKI!! We will put it to good use post haste. :o)
- Cathy

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